An Inno installation script I wrote to install a VB6 application and optionally, MSDE and MDAC. It also executes several database scripts as well as prompts the user to install MSDE or choose an existing SQL Server database. ; MyApp Install Script ; Author: Jeff Hunsaker ; Version: #define AppName "MyApp" #define AppNameLong "My App" #define AppPublisher "My Firm, Inc." #define Ver1 "1" #define Ver2 "0" #define Ver3 "0" #define Ver4 "0" #define MinVersion "4.1.1998,4.0.1381sp5" #define DBInstance "DBInstance" ;when MSDE installed locally/new #define DBDatabase "DBDatabase" #define DBDefaultSaPassword "sapassword" #define DBDefaultSaAccount "sa" #define DBAppUserName "AppUser" #define DBAppPassword "password" #define DBDefaultServer "(LOCAL)" #define DBDSN "MyApp" #define DBDSNDescription = "My App" [Setup] ...
Business and technology musings with an occasional economic, political, or consumer experience teaser thrown in to keep you on your toes.