Recently, several members of the family have had their computers "owned" by viruses or spyware. At my house, I'm more focused on prevention but if all else fails, here's a great write up of using Windows XP Recovery features to repair your down and out home computer. Also, a correspondence with one of my pals (a conversation I've had many times with lots of folks): --------------------------------------------------------------------- Nope. I think you're on the right path. Good write-up : Afterwards, I would recommend the following: 1. Set only 1 person within the household as an Administrator...I've found the Mom is usually best. Disable the ability to install software for all other users (i.e. they only belong to Users group) 2. Install virus scanning software; set to update nightly, scan nightly 3. Update Windows with all patches from Set Windows to update automatically. Make sure you install SP2 4. Enable the Windows firewall fr...