What would you do in the event of the failure of the Internet? I used to think about this kind of thing more often but maybe I've become too accepting of the distributed nature of the Internet as a safety measure. This article got me thinking about an EMP pulse or a small nuke knocking out a major portion of the Internet...say a few backbones in Chicago or something. Not having an Internet connection often brings my work to a complete halt...let alone operations at most businesses. I'm growing weary of complete communication failures during traumatic homeland events: 9/11, Katrina, etc. Shouldn't local or state government contract with private industry to get satellite phones to major incidents within 4-6 hours? I mean, how hard can this be? C'mon. Or portable Wi-Fi / cellular towers. Whatever. Technology aside, I think the bigger problem is lack of leadership. The average person lacks a sniff of a clue about what actions to take during a crisis situation. Politicians,...
Business and technology musings with an occasional economic, political, or consumer experience teaser thrown in to keep you on your toes.