I am not a fan of Time Warner [Cable] but I'm hating the ESPN manipulation even more. We're only going to see more of this in the future as the cable content providers start to wield power over the cable delivery services. Interesting to see how this will play out. My speculation: 5-10 years from now, ESPN will broadcast via the Internet...bypassing the cable companies entirely (although, what if your ISP is a cable company?) I really thought the satellite firms would wallop cable but that just doesn't seem to be the case/trend. Wired still trumps wireless. Perhaps Wi-MAX or UMTS will be strong Internet "carriers" in 5-10 years; or Broadband over Power Lines. Regardless, I think an alternative to cable will help drive competition, innovation, and thus, reduced prices. Jeff... ESPN blocks rerun of game Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Though widely promoted, the planned rerun of the Ohio State-Indiana football game on ...