Phishing is defined by F-Secure as: "Fraudulent e-mail or website claiming to be legitimate seeking indentifiable information. Phishing is an attempt to steal your personal data." When I recently attempted an online purchase from WalMart using my VISA card, being a security wanta-be, I immediately thought phishing when redirected to and saw this dialog: Seriously, these folks have to be kidding. You're asking for my personal data during a transaction and claim that's its a service " no additional cost." Wow! Thanks...but absolutely not, you jokers. As a malicious thief, I can go a long way with this data. This is exactly the type of experience which aids malfeasance and the folks trying to steal personal data / identities. How long have we been working to educate folks to avoid providing this type of data under these type of circumstances? Years. And we're just now starting to turn the corner. VISA, get rid of this! When folks ...
Business and technology musings with an occasional economic, political, or consumer experience teaser thrown in to keep you on your toes.