Just spoke with my Mom. I attempted (successfully, I think) to explain my reasoning for going with Ubuntu on her old workstation (Dell Dimension XPS T-450). She gave me the green light to move ahead (I think she found the $0 cost compelling...!).
Step 1: determine minimum system requirements; upgrade if necessary
Step 2: determine Ubuntu distro: regular or alternate (or Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.)
Step 3: download Ubuntu 6.10
Step 4: determine KDE or Gnome (need to determine prior to download; KDE is Kubuntu)
Step 5: burn ISO CD
Step 3: replace defective hard drive (I just happened to find an old hard drive down in the basement
Step 6: research (ongoing...) and planning
Step 7: (big one) installation and configuration
Step 8: training and hand-off
Step 9: ongoing support (hopefully this is minimal and facilitated by remote admin)
So, I need to determine my configuration. Off the top of my head, here's what I need to cover:
-wireless support (Mom's router is upstairs from the workstation)
-AV protection (ok, not as applicable on Linux but I want this to be safe)
-Anti-* (spyware, phishing, hosts hijack, etc.)
-Remote administration (SSH, VNC?, DynDNS)
-Office-support (Open Office 2?)
-Authentication: auto login Mom's user account; remote administration account
-Photo-viewing support: ?
-Browser/email support: Mozilla/Firefox (she uses Gmail...more of my influence)
Another great reference for my situation: "Ubuntu for your Grandmother"
Ubuntu Forums
Going well so far.
Step 1: determine minimum system requirements; upgrade if necessary
Step 2: determine Ubuntu distro: regular or alternate (or Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.)
Step 3: download Ubuntu 6.10
Step 4: determine KDE or Gnome (need to determine prior to download; KDE is Kubuntu)
Step 5: burn ISO CD
Step 3: replace defective hard drive (I just happened to find an old hard drive down in the basement
Step 6: research (ongoing...) and planning
Step 7: (big one) installation and configuration
Step 8: training and hand-off
Step 9: ongoing support (hopefully this is minimal and facilitated by remote admin)
So, I need to determine my configuration. Off the top of my head, here's what I need to cover:
-wireless support (Mom's router is upstairs from the workstation)
-AV protection (ok, not as applicable on Linux but I want this to be safe)
-Anti-* (spyware, phishing, hosts hijack, etc.)
-Remote administration (SSH, VNC?, DynDNS)
-Office-support (Open Office 2?)
-Authentication: auto login Mom's user account; remote administration account
-Photo-viewing support: ?
-Browser/email support: Mozilla/Firefox (she uses Gmail...more of my influence)
Another great reference for my situation: "Ubuntu for your Grandmother"
Ubuntu Forums
Going well so far.