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"I'm a PC"...Come Again?

So I'm over at the local Microsoft office this morning for a meeting. I get there a little early to chat with my peeps and everyone keeps saying, "I'm a PC". Huh? Is this some new addition to the mountain of acronyms out of Redmond? Crap. I need wireless. Save me Google. Even the admin (whom I've befriended over the years...) is busting this out along with a sly, knowing smile. (Me returning the smile with a forced gesture likely resembling The Joker in Dark Knight). "Oh, how lovely. My 1-year-old threw up on me yesterday", was the response brewing in my head.

As this scenario keeps repeating itself, that old I-forgot-to-wear-pants-today-but-don't-realize-it nightmare sets in and I'm all freaked out. I have this deep-seated fear of calling someone by the wrong name (I'm terrible with names...sorry, I really do care about you) and I'm getting that clammy, can't-believe-I-just-called-Chuck-the-name-Ralph feeling of idiocy.

Finally, someone throws us a bone and identifies the elephant in the room (much to my relief) as Microsoft's new marketing campaign: "I'm a PC". Ohhhhh. It's actually very well done.

It's the first message from Redmond I can remember that, well, doesn't suck. ;-) I also found it impressive *every* Microsoft employee was in on it and behind the campaign. Good show. Enjoy.


Robaticus said…
I hadn't seen this yet. Just like the Mac commercials, it really doesn't tell you anything, but really gets its message across.

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